Susan Buret, Untitled(as yet), 2012 from the Inequality Proposition Series, Acrylic on Linen, 70 cm x 100 cm.
Circumstances largely beyond my control have kept from the studio, and this blog, for most of the latter part of 2011.
When I returned to the studio I resolved to start blogging again and this raised heaps of questions.
Should this blog only focus on my work and if so should I include new work which may form part of my next exhibition? If I show most of the work on the blog the exhibition will hold no surprises.
Should I talk about personal matters on a blog which is a professional platform? In my last post I mentioned the fact that personal matters do often, without any conscious decisions, inform the work I make.
The questions still remain unanswered so I am beginning this years blogging with a new work. I have decided to return to the geometric works begun in 2006/7 as part of the in her high heels series. I enjoy making these works as of resolving the image is very different to the repetitive process of making the collage works.