Friday, April 16, 2010

This Week, Anniversaries and Life's Riches.

This week I exhaled loudly as my work was loaded on a truck for Melbourne. My tax was done and I had a few days of play baking bread, gardening and attempting to be a dressmaker.
On Sunday I visited an exquisite garden in the village and spent the evening roasting chestnuts for bread for the 70th birthday party of a fellow artist Liz Boothby.
It's funny how some weeks focus your thoughts and it's been that sort of week. Gathering chestnuts (yes more chestnuts!) Liz told me about her planned birthday speech which acknowledged life's riches and then on Thursday Donna Malone posted this clip of Coleman Barks reading from Rumi on Facebook

Thursday was also the anniversary of the liberation of Bergen Belsen, a time to remember those who were displaced, those who died and those who survived to build new lives.
Where is this all leading you ask? Well I am not a writer, so it's hard to say but these are the issues I try to raise when I make work about identity, displacement and the making of home and a place of one's own.


ValeriaVine said...

Ahhhhh the noble chestnut...... 'tis one of life's riches indeed.

I have made 2 batches of chestnut bread for Liz's birthday using the nuts we roasted - just the perfect amount for 2 large loaves.

I keep discovering chestnuts that I have hidden around the house! I'm getting some delivered tomorrow by a farmer who says he has heaps on his property. Does the bounty never end?

I am interested in your next exhibition theme, one that is close to my heart and home. x

sophie munns said...

Hi Susan,
just left a small comment on the BADC blog to wish you well and wanted to say how much I loved your show's title.
Noticing this reference to Rumi here along with your title - I'm sure I would very much enjoy to see your show.

Susan Buret said...

Thanks Sophie. I have just got the images from the photographer. So the show will appear online shortly.