Last night I finally had time to digest my experience at Ragdale. I think that it has resulted in a new drawing based approach to my practice. Before I left Brisbane I had been exploring painted geometric form and pattern but I think that I have now developed new techniques which will be line based to produce two and three dimensional works.
Today I went to an exhibition of work by the German surrealist artist and author Unica Zurn at the Drawing Centre. The works were beautiful delicate finely balanced images with elaborative patterning.
I then went to MOMA and saw another wonderful drawing based exhibition tangled alphabets, the works of South American Artists Leon Ferrari and Mira Schendel. I was so good that I am planning to go back maybe tomorrow.
I also got to see works by Barnett Newman and Agnes Martin among others.
1 comment:
SB, were you allowed to be taking photos at the MOMA? Tsk, tsk, tsk.... (now I am smiling as I type this) I got busted at the Tate Modern for taking snaps. They are such party poopers. How is a common pleb like me supposed to appreciate the art if I cannot take photos of it, have them enlarged & then mounted on my walls at home, I ask you? Loved the composition of this photo... Men & their mobiles. Tsk, tsk, tsk. So glad you are having such a great holiday. We are missing you!
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