Red Cow Farm Garden Tour
Running late yet again. This weeks excuse is house guests and Christmas parties.On Tuesday night we were invited to a street party in the village by Liz Boothby, the other artist in Burrawang. It was a cool summer evening and another opportunity to get to know more locals.
We met poets, Emeritus professors, wonderful cooks and local business owners as we were happily introduced as 'the girls who bought Judy's house'. I still continue to be amazed that we have landed in such a friendly community.
Yvette, old friend, wine connoiseur, cobbler manque, cyclist and fellow ratbag who worked with me about 12 years ago arrived from Melbourne on Wednesday. We spent the next few days touring the area, visiting Red Cow Farm for the Border Collie Garden Tour and making rumballs.
Last night we went to the Robertson Village Musical Society to hear Gerard Willems play Beethoven and to listen to John Gregg read from Shakespeare. My experience of Shakespeare at school was less than inspirational and has led to a lifelong avoidance of anything Shakespearian so I had gone to listen to the Beethoven. John Gregg's reading was really beautiful. I am now converted.
I did do some work in between celebrations. I managed to spend some time in the studio and completed a large work that I am very happy with.
I have quotes for the laser cut steel works I have been thinking and will spend the Christmas break deciding if I will make some prototypes.
Best of all, I have been invited by Brenda May Gallery to show in their exhibition of works by artists who use paper early in 2010.
What a festive week you have had! Congrats on the Brenda May show. Looks like a great exhibition space.
Merry Christmas Susan! Party hard and celebrate your big year! Congratualtions on the show! Next year looks even bigger. Go Girl!! I'll be cheering you on from the caravan in the middle of who knows where. Candyxx
Sounds like a lovely week of excellent activites Susan.
Merrry Xmas, holiday season and new year!
Best to you and your nearest and dearest for 2010!
Thanks everyone. i hope you are all enjoying the holiday break and that you are out of the rain Candy.
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