Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The ?Wednesday Report

I've had a busy few weeks making deadlines and new work.
I submitted images of work for inclusion in the Paper Works exhibition at Brenda May Gallery in March. I had to photograph some of the work myself, hopefully for the last time as I now have a contact for a photographer in the area.
Susan Buret, The Gardens of the Alhambra, © 2009, Mixed media on canvas,100 cm x 70 cm.

I have also sent off  the exhibition title, images for publicity and a new artist statement for my solo exhibition at Anita Traverso Gallery in Melbourne in May. Writing a new artist statement was once an angst ridden activity but is now a pleasure rather than a task as I condense and sharpen all the ideas and influences that have been milling around as I make work. 
Last week I worked with Brisbane Artist Nicola Moss on our collaborative project. The work went well and we managed to complete and package the video for exhibition later this year. Working with another artist is always good not only from the perspective of sharing the creative process and ideas but also because it gave me the opportunity to get valuable critical feedback about me new work and to discuss the business and promotion side of my practice.
As a result I have decided to apply for a couple of grants ...... more paperwork and deadlines but in the meantime I am off to Sydney to see Marianne Faithfull at the Sydney Opera House tonight as reward for all the hard work. Here's a little taste of Marianne in Paris last year courtesy of YouTube.


Cindy Morefield said...

You've had a lot going on! The new piece is beautiful.

Candice Herne said...

Enjoy Susan!

sophie munns said...

Sounds like you've been very busy Susan.

l off forward to seeing more of your work. I love the work on your website when it first comes up by the way! I'd like an extensive library with one of those paintings on the wall.

Susan Buret said...

Thank you for the words of encouragement Cindy, Candice and Sophie.

Jen said...

Susan, I love your Alhambrian garden! And I am enjoying the photos you are taking of the things you see in the galleries you are visiting. It is very considerate of you to help we suckers cooped up in an office to appreciate some wonderful visual stimulation. I love that horse sculpture! I wonder how that would look in my garden....?