Last night there was a fund raising supper at Ragdale and I opened my studio to show supporters from south Chicago my work and how I used my studio space. i was a little reluctant as the new work is still a bit raw. It turned out to be much more enjoyable (in fact painless) than I had expected and I got to meet some really interesting people including local poets, editors, composers and other visual artists
Today I showed my nettle knitting to Maja an artist from Berlin and we began to toss around some ideas about placing the work in the landscape. Within one hour Maja was also knitting and we are now working on a collaborative installation. We now have to get permission to leave the installation to biodegrade in the prairie. It's a very exciting project and we are both sad that we will not be able to observe and document the decay.
Tonight after dinner we listened to four of the writers in residence read from their works. Each read a piece which had never been read to an audience or published before and it was so good to hear the voice of the writers as they spoke their own words.
It's Monday night and after a warm and overcast day it's raining again.
how wounderful!
Sounds very inspiring.
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