Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thoughts About New Work.

Susan Buret. Bower Birds Steel the Crabapple Blossoms. 2009.
Watercolour and Pigmented Ink on Canvas. 10cm x15cm.

This is one of a series of postcard sized works I have been producing lately in response to my new environment. I have written about the works in the artist statement that accompanied my recent exhibition.
I have been thinking more about these works and what they share with earlier bodies of work. How I continue to use the same almost viral repetition in all my works. I am often aware that visually my works often look like textile designs and that my manual assembly line process, obsessive and repetitive is for me a path to some sort of transcendence. Many artists talk about this aspect of their practice which Baudelaire describes as 'sacred machinery' and the process includes not only repetitive patterning but also the practice of painting the same object over and over again.
For me I use concision and repetition along with the irregularity of the hand drafted to build rhythms which are not ordered or predictable to create shifting fields. I do this constantly to create images I enjoy. So despite changes in the conceptual bases of my work which occur over a period of time I continue to pursue the same image.     

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